Feminist epistemologies of science: special issue interview
In this project I worked with two Brazilian philosophers of science to interview Prof. Helen Longino so that the Brazilian public could have an overview of her work in the field of feminist epistemologies of science. The interview has been published in a special issue of the journal EM CONSTRUÇÃO: Arquivos de Epistemologia Histórica e Estudos de Ciência.
What is Philosophy of Biology?
I did this long interview in Portuguese to introduce the topic, it was so much fun!
I have participated in two podcast episodes about philosophy of science for the general public. My podcast episode on philosophy of biology can be found here (in Portuguese). I participated in a second episode talking about general philosophy of science and science denialism. The episode can be found here (in Portuguese). One day (i.e., when I finish my PhD dissertation), I would like to start my own philosophy podcast with special guests in each episode.

Arqueofeminismos: translation project
In 2015, I participated in a book project to translate feminist texts from the XVIIth and XVIIIth century. I translated these texts to Portuguese so that the work of these philosophers could be accessible to non-French and non-English speakers.